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Code of Conduct

Standards of Conduct

  • It is important for all employees to be fully aware of our rules.
  • To work together as a team and maintain productive and positive working environment, everyone must obey the standards of conduct and policies of the company.

  1. Disclosing confidential information including policies, procedures, recipes, manuals or any propriety information to anyone outside the company.
  2. Not coming for a shift without notifying the Manager on duty. (No call, no show, no job)
  3. Leaving your job before the scheduled time without the permission of the Manager on duty.
  4. Use of bad language.
  5. Theft of customer, employee or company property including items found on outlet premises.
  6. Refusal to follow instructions.
  7. Engaging in harassment of any kind toward another employee or customer.
  8. Failure to consistently perform job responsibilities in a satisfactory manner within the 30-day training period.
  9. Waste or destruction of company property.
  10. Excessive tardiness.
  11. Habitual failure to punch in or out.
  12. Failure to comply with company’s personal cleanliness and grooming standards.
  13. Failure to comply with company’s uniform and dress requirements


  • It is our policy to treat all personnel with respect and make personnel decisions without regard to race, gender, age, national origin, religion or background.
  • We strive to provide everyone a workplace that is free of harassment of any kind.
  • Employees are encouraged to promptly report incidences of harassment.
  • To report any incidents of harassment please contact the HR Head (



  • All employees are expected to work on a regular, consistent basis and complete their regularly scheduled hours per week.
  • Excessive nonattendance may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Disciplinary action taken because of absenteeism will be considered on an individual basis, following a review of the employee’s absentee and overall work record.

  • Tardiness (being late)

    • Employees must be prepared to start work at the beginning of the shift.
    • Always arrive at the outlet 5 to 10 minutes before your shift.
    • Repeated tardiness is grounds to salary deductions (3 occurrences for half day) or even termination.
    • If it is not possible for you to begin work at your scheduled time, call the outlet and speak to the Team Leader.



    You are requested to give a two-week notice of your plans to leave the company. A notice is important so that we have time to hire someone to take your place.



    Salaries are available at the every 10th of the next month. Salary accounts for 4 days off per employee every month. One gets extra days salary, if he/she chooses to work on those days. Days off can be taken Monday to Thursday ONLY and are to be arranged in advance with the manager of the store.



    Due to the nature of the restaurant business you may be required to work on holidays.



    Employee Dress and Grooming 

    Employees represent 99 Pancake and are expected to dress and groom yourself in a casual, yet professional manner that is appropriate for their duties.




    99 Pancakes requires all employees to conform to the uniform policy while working. Uniform includes a 99 Pancakes issued shirt, an apron and a cap. Employees are to wear closed shoes and dark trousers.

    At any point of time employees are expected to wear:

    • Trousers (black/blue)
    • Closed Shoes Company Cap
    • Company Shirt
    • Company Apron



    • Hair must be well groomed.
    • Hair longer than the collar must be pulled away from the face and  off the shoulders.
    • A well-groomed moustache or beard will be permitted.

    Personal Hygiene 

    • Employees must wash and sanitize hands prior to their shift, whenever they change job assignments, after eating as well as using the rest room.
    • Keep fingernails neatly trimmed and clean.
    • Employees must shower, use deodorant, brush teeth, keep hair clean,etc.
    • Use of perfumes/colognes/aftershaves in moderation only.
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